A 1912-1913 oil painting done by Marc Chagall, inspired the producers of the musical, WHERE PAPA CAME FROM, to change it's title to FIDDLER ON THE ROOF.
In 1955, when Latin gang activity in L.A. was making headlines all across the nation. And one particular Broadway Musical was floundering, Arthur Laurents went to Jerome Robbins and Leonard Bernstein and said words to the effect of, "Lets move the story across town"...Hence EAST SIDE STORY became WEST SIDE STORY.
And face it, AWAY WE GO! isn't near as good a title as OKLAHOMA.
I thought BACK IN THE WORLD was a great title!
In a story about Vietnam vets (and their families) that struggled to make a good life for themselves after the war, there wasn't anything more specific to Vietnam vets than the phrase, "back in the world." For those that don't know, the phrase refers to how we referred to "back home", when we were in Vietnam.
But thanks to those who work with me, and are cursed with the job of keeping me out of my own way, it was pointed out that the story the show tells relates to veterans and their families regardless of the war. And as much as I thought I'd come with "THE PERFECT TITLE", the responses from those that came to the reading (one in particular, a lady whose son was in Iraqis Freedom) and one of my cast members, made it clear that everybody was right. We needed a title change. The show had a far broader audience appeal that I thought.
And this is where I need to thank cast member, Corinna Harney-Jones. Her step father is a Vietnam vet. Growing up, she had a hard time dealing with him, and he with her.
In a rehearsal, Corinna became emotional... the script connected all the dots in her step father's behavior for her and she acknowledged it. It was a moment for her and everybody in the cast. And because of Corinna and that moment...I'll be posting the new poster artwork with the new title very soon.
A lot of excitement and support is starting to build in the Las Vegas, veterans community; and we're working on building that excitement here in the Phoenix valley.
Other changes? Was able to cut about five pages of dialog from the script and shorten a couple of the songs.
That's one of the great things about doing readings...you get a solid idea of what needs to stay and what needs to go.
We'll be doing a workshop of (new title to be announced), in Cave Creek, Arizona, on April 28th, 2:30-4:30pm, at the Desert Foothills Library. I'll post the address and other details, as we get closer to the 28th.
Thanks for reading my blog!