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Loren Marsters
Going to be a GREAT year!
YES, IT IS! For everyone I hope an pray. Have a lot to talk about, but going to take it one step at a time to begin. Overview wise: AT...

Loren Marsters
Something different...
If you are under 60-years of age, most likely you've never heard of her. If, like me, you are a Baby Boomer and a Vietnam vet, you know...

Loren Marsters
Yes... Its Been Awhile
As I said when I first started this blog... I won't blog just to blog. I'll blog when there's something relevant to MacJac moving forward...

Loren Marsters
Have a couple of venues... considering bringing us in to do two shows, sometime around Veterans Day in November of this year! Also......

Loren Marsters
Four Shows - Four Standing O's!
YES... it's corny as Hell, BUT... I'm very grateful that it's true. Very pleased to say that NOW I GET IT, came off exactly like we...

Loren Marsters
Talk about a small world...
Below is a post I made last week... Don't try to read it. It talks about the premise of the play: Three Vietnam vets reunite for the...

Loren Marsters
Two weeks - We open!
IF... you are going to be in Las Vegas April 20 or 27th. Times and locations are on the invitation. This is YOUR INVITATION to come and...

Loren Marsters
NOW, we have cast - really... cross my heart!
As I told you in my last blog; casting this show has been a real… not sure I can come with a word – lol! Thanks to Super Woman, Selma...

Loren Marsters
So, here's the situation...
Your cast is set (4-Men, 3-Women), you’re two weeks out from the cast’s first read through, rehearsals start three weeks after that, and...

Loren Marsters
The first sample/demo tracs our music Composer - Emmy Nominated Composer - Patrick Rose, did for the show -- he sang all the parts – men...

Loren Marsters
if you’ve been to my website, you know what NOW I GET IT is about. If you haven’t, it’s Better to do...

Loren Marsters
May ALL of you have a blessed Thanksgiving!
I’m thankful that way back, a long time ago, two different cultures of people, starving from a brutal winter, chose survival over their...

Loren Marsters
I posted this a couple of weeks ago...
In discussion with Kristina, my wife, Sandi Jones, the show's Musical Director, and the financial arm of my production team, the subject...

Loren Marsters
JUST ANOTHER PERSPECTIVE... flaming begins in 3... 2... 1...
As a writer (playwright/screen writer), part of me has to view the current WGA (Writers Guild of America) strike from another...

Loren Marsters
I Had No Idea...
That the response to the reading and the workshop of my new play, NOW I GET IT, would have such an impact on people - vets, their...

Loren Marsters
As promised...
The workshop: Wednesday evening, 7:30pm, (doors open at 7:00pm) June 14, at The Charleston Heights Art Center, 800 South Brush, in Las...

Loren Marsters
These three guys do a heck of a job portraying three men who, for the first time since coming home from Vietnam - some 50-some odd years...

Loren Marsters
This Monday...
It was originally known as “Decoration Day”…a day when people honored those who had died in service to the country, by decorating their...

Loren Marsters
Musical - Play with music -- What's the Difference?
For my new show, NOW I GET IT, the difference is something I’ve learned through the staging of the reading we did in October of last...

Loren Marsters
Hate to say it, BUT...
I want to preface this blog by saying that hopefully the experience I just had is NOT the norm when casting shows where “older actors”...
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