First of all... a BIG THANK YOU To Ken Davenport, Founder of Theatre Makers!
Have to give you your props Ken...you really do want to see and enjoy the success of those of us who have been blessed/cursed with the desire to be playwrights, producers, and etc.
The advice and council you and those you have surrounded yourself with, keep those of us who want to be like you when we grow up, keep us from getting in our own way. Again, THANK YOU!
UPDATE...Two workshops scheduled ( May 21st, here in Arizona - late May or mid-June in Las Vegas, NV) for BACK IN THE WORLD...GREAT support coming from Allison Taylor at Desert Foothills Library, in Cave Creek, AZ.
FYI Playwrights...Libraries and Senior Centers make great places to stage a reading or workshop! They're cost effective, and sometimes...even free!
GREAT support coming from Chris Crooks, Chairman, Military Affairs Committee, Las Chamber of Commerce, AND...Lester Lumbad, Pres., Southern Nevada Veterans Chamber of Commerce.
Very pleased with the response to BACK IN THE WORLD from a wide age range of people who came to rehearsals and the reading we did in Las Vegas.
It's not easy to promote a play about the Vietnam war. It's that 800lb gorilla in our history that we don't want to talk about. To a lot of people who lived through that time, it still stings.
Which is why BACK IN THE WORLD doesn't drown the audience in "blood and guts" of war.
Nor does the audience have to sit through gut wrenching portrayals of the after math of war...PTSD and etc.
BACK IN THE WORLD looks back on those realities through the eyes of three vets and their wives, who have worked through all the crap...and can now laugh, cry, reflect (maybe still with a little bitterness), and acknowledge that despite all the, fill in your own appropriate expletive...their lives turned out okay.
Someone asked me why I wrote BACK IN THE WORLD.
Three reasons:
The conversation that ensued when two guys I went to high school with, and our wives, got together to celebrate the Marine Corps Birthday in Las Vegas.
Driving back to Arizona the next day, Kristina, my wife said, "I think you found your next show...
Last and certainly not least...Because it's time for a story about surviving the Vietnam war, and surviving after the war...that has a happy ending.
Thanks for reading my blogQ