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3 Men - 3 Women - 65+

Loren Marsters

That's what we'll be looking for when it's time to cast for workshop and cast for stage...and casting for workshop isn't too far off.

BTW...there are only 7 Actors in the cast - the seventh is the keyboard player, aka, the orchestra.

BACK IN THE WORLD is about the reunion of three Vietnam vets (and their wives) - 50 years after the war.

Only a handful of stage plays cast senior actors in lead and principle roles. That's a shame, in my personal opinion...and I felt that way when I was in my younger years.

In is a cast of six leads, as each character has his/her individual moment when the stage is theirs.

Two of the wives came around later in the lives of their vet husbands. For them, it is an evening of learning things their husbands would never talk about; and through that, getting a clearer picture of how their husbands became the men they are - the men that they love.

The remaining wife, aka, "the last first wife standing", see's her husband finally open up about the war. She, herself will finally open up things she never talked about pertaining to being a military wife, and dealing with the war at home.

It's not a story of weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth; or the pointing of fingers - quite to the contrary. It's a story of looking back, shedding a tear, laughing your butt off, and rejoicing in the fact that, as the finale production number celebrates, "There's light at the end of the tunnel, and it's not another train."

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