IF... you are going to be in Las Vegas April 20 or 27th.
Times and locations are on the invitation.
This is YOUR INVITATION to come and see...

The Clark County Library System is sponsoring our show (i.e. covering our production costs) so they can offer it to the public for free!
They are providing the space, the lights, the sound, and the techs.
All Clarke County Libraries have a theatre, staffed by theatre people and techs!
I don't think this is common with all libraries, BUT...
Playwrights... if you're tired of waiting for a theatre or theatre company, to bless you with their approval to do your new project. Put on your Self-Producer hat and give your library a call. If your local library system offers this kind of program - No, you're not going to make any money, BUT... you're not going to lose any money!
It's something to consider if you want to get your work on stage, so you can see what it looks like outside of a reading or workshop.
So, with two weeks out, the next question is, "How is it going?"
We have a GREAT CAST... and if were not careful, we're going to have a great show - lol!
It's interesting. Directing a show where the age of the characters in the show are 60 to 70+-years old, but all the actors (with the exception of two) are under 50... in fact, one of the actors is just twenty-three!
It's been enjoyable working with them, and for all of us... it's been challenging.
Despite the challenges... we think you're going to love the story we tell and how we tell it.
Thanks for reading my blog!